Aim High and leave a Leagacy
A classic that takes its time will transcend the limit of time
LANDMARK 95—Our 183m skyscraper invites you to witness eternity

Exquisite Architecture as Enduring Legacy
精工建築 傳世典範

A New Fashion Statement Based on New Oriental Aesthetics
Architectural classics have their own character and emotions; their style and spirit withstand the test of time.
LANDMARK 95 showcases the new oriental aesthetics. Shaped like an ancient square wine vessel, LANDMARK 95 embeds the elegance and wisdom of oriental culture in its magnificent design.

Precision Architecture to Be Admired at a Microscopic Level
Details determine success and excellence.
The skyscraper features full-height steel construction and prefab curtain walls.
Its supreme craftsmanship allows precision to be achieved mid-air with minimal tolerance.
Crossing Boundaries in Redefining Classics
Time-tested craftsmanship and techniques are transformed into splendor that will last an eternity.